This guide outlines the minimal changes required to migrate from the old API endpoints to the new ones. The migration involves updating the endpoint names and a few field changes in the API responses.

Retailer endpoints will be deprecated

The old retailer endpoints will no longer be supported starting November 2024. Make sure to update your API calls to the new cashback offers endpoints before this date.


  • Update the API endpoints for retailer deals to the new cashback offers endpoints.
  • Adjust your code to accommodate the renamed and split fields in the response.

Endpoint Changes

MethodPrevious EndpointNew Endpoint

Change 1: Update all /v1/retailers/* endpoints to their equivalent /v1/cashback-offers/* endpoints.

Field Changes in Response

In the new version, there are two key changes to note:

  • Field Renaming:
    • website is now renamed to url.
  • Field Splitting:
    • nonPercentageDeal has been split into:
      • maximumFixedCommissionFee (the fixed cashback value that the retailer offers).
      • description (the description of the fixed cashback offer).

Change 2: Update the field website to url and adjust for the split of nonPercentage into maximumFixedCommissionFee and description.