Activate coupon offer
Activate a retailer’s coupon offer affiliate and receive a redirect URL.
Coupon offer activation is how your users can earn cashback and rewards from Sleek’s coupon offers.
How to use
This API should be called every time your user wants to activate a coupon offer. The API will return a URL that your user can visit to complete the activation process.
This API is unauthenticated and expected to be called on the client side from your user’s devices.
Determine the coupon offer
Find the coupon offer that the user wants to activate. For example, the user might
want to activate coupon at Walmart with couponId
equal to
Activate coupon offer
Call the API endpoint detailed here with your desired couponId
, your
activation orgId
, and a passbackUid
that uniquely identifies this user
or some reference that you will track. Optionally, use the passbackData
param to store any data about this activation that you’d like tracked with
any transaction that occurs from the user after this coupon offer activates.
Redirect the user
After the POST
request, the API will return a URL that your user should
visit. This URL will route the user to the target retailer’s website and
handle activating the coupon offer.
Coupon offer activated
After the URL redirect is complete, the offer has been activated. Your user can now shop at the retailer and earn cashback or rewards. Any rewards earned will be tracked in the Sleek transaction API.
Query Parameters
The ID of the coupon. Format: UUID RFC 4122
A unique identifier for this activation. This will be passed back to you when a transaction occurs. Format: any string
Any data you want to pass back to you when a transaction occurs. Format: any string
Your organization's UID for activating retailer's coupon affiliate
The URL to redirect the user to activate the retailer's coupon affiliate.